About David Theriault

Hi. I’m a high school English Literature teacher  in Southern California. I’ve taught for twenty-two years… jeez twenty-two years already. Before that I taught in the HBUHSD I taught at Mayfair HS in Lakewood and at a continuation high school in Bellflower. I love trying new things and challenging my students and my peers to try something new. I believe in the power of renewal.

Class Photo


My blog title is from Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Just before Hamlet goes to his certain doom he says:

“Not a whit, we defy augury. There is special providence in
the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, ’tis not to come; if it be not to
come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come—the
readiness is all. Since no man, of aught he leaves, knows what is’t
to leave betimes, let be.”

This quote inspires me as a teacher, a father, a coach, a husband, a human. All I can do is be prepared with a proper attitude, and face the never ceasing future as it crashes into my present. I make choices and move against the current cause the struggle is where it’s at.

The picture is from one of my favorite bands Minor Threat. Their name speaks of youth, of change and disruption, of hope, and a bit of dramatic irony.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts and reflections, feel free to respond or ask questions.

David Theriault



PS- I write these posts with my brother Joseph (a teacher) and brother Brett (teacher) and brother Justin (teacher) in mind as well as a few other teachers both young and experienced, but my real audience is my son. If for any reason I pass away before my time please feel free to keep this blog alive by linking to specific posts and share this blog with my son so he can hear his father’s voice in his head.

If you are still curious, you can read my About David Theriault page

PS. I love food, sometimes I get a little too excited by free food.

PPS: I’m also working on an alternative to ratemyteacher.com




  1. Help! Help! Help! One of my teachers was just asking for help on peer evaluations. I thought I remembered that you posted about this a while ago, but I can’t remember what it was called. Can you direct me to it so that I can send it to her. It was about grading them on the work they did, the work their group did, and what they think they earned. Thanks! Merideth

  2. After a terrible week during which a colleague dropped dead in the hallway of a heart attack I discovered your website while searching for new AP Lit post test ideas. I LOVE your work, mind, methods..everything. Thank you for being! Maureen Baker Dublin Jerome High School Ohio

    1. Maureen… I’ve thought about your comment for weeks. I’m sorry for your loss, our loss, the world’s loss, the fact that you are willing to take risks and write such things gives me strength when times seem dark. Thank you.

  3. A fan showed me your post about your Re:Framed project and it was awesome. I manage a blog on education and technology at learning.instructure.com and I was wondering if you would be interested in being a guest author for a post?

    I hate to spam you in your comments, but I couldn’t see an email listed. If you would like to talk about being a guest author, let me know. My email is attached to this comment.

  4. I stumbled on your blog looking for Senior English ideas. I’ve been teaching 22 years and I found out the end of this year (13-14) that I will be moved from English I to English IV this fall. I haven’t taught English IV since 1994. I’m way behind!!! I’m going to read your entire blog…what I’ve read so far validates that we have very similar thoughts. I read about your senior footprint project. I’m very interested in incorporating that into my class. Can you make suggestions about high interest literature for seniors?

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